Our little piece of the world

A mother, wife, and teacher aims to make life simple

This is why I don’t have a cell phone

My decision to not have a cell phone does come with many disadvantages. There are often times when I’m downtown picking something up, or I’m going to be late, or I’m not near a phone, that I would love to just be able to take my phone out of my pocket and make the call.

I have never been happier about my decision than I am after reading this post entitled “How to Miss a Childhood”.

Let’s face it: that title tugs at the heartstrings before you’ve even read the blog.

I am a very distractable person, and I’m often guilty of messing around on my computer while my son is finishing his lunch (and I feel guilty enough about that). Thank goodness I don’t have a cell phone to distract me while I’m grocery shopping with him, or playing outside with a ball, or picking him up from daycare. Instead we talk about what we’re buying at the store, kicking a soccer ball back and fourth, or having a big hug after not having seen each other all day.

I am not a perfect parent, but I am so grateful that I’ve somehow been wise enough to see that making my son my number one priority is so important. Perhaps it’s because I see kids every day whose parents don’t.


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